My Publications

In this hubbub life and time slip away silently; you have to be aware of it.

Time travel through
the coils of the Romitone

Captain Leale Martelli

Based on a true story

The Templars were the most influential and powerful chivalric monastic order born in the context of the Crusades and their name derives from the seat they occupied in Jerusalem, right at the ancient site of the Temple of Solomon.
There are many pens and cinematographic machines that have produced books and films on this subject. Personally I am a great fan of the history of the Templars and their mysterious order and, in all honesty, not having found this original and fascinating adventure in the top ten places in the ranking of books dealing with this subject, has left me truly dismayed and puzzled.
The author, John Oldman, is certainly no less mysterious than the story in question or Leale Martelli himself, captain of the Italian SS, who, just as the Second World War was drawing to a close, received from Himmler himself the order to reach a secret location near the city of Livorno to find a mysterious machine that has been lying hidden for centuries in the underground meanders of an ancient villa. The mission entrusted to him will soon turn into an adventure for the captain in which he will be the protagonist of incredible paranormal experiences. Decades after those events, his vicissitudes are told which seem to continue to have repercussions up to the present day.
But what is it that makes this reading really interesting and compelling? Perhaps it will be the flowing flow of words which, although they never free the reader from applying a certain amount of attention, do not stop or, better to say, never put the descriptive regime on hold, which is always pleasant and stimulating or, perhaps, will be the result of a narrative interweaving that at 360 degrees seems to project the reader into other realities and dimensions, thanks to the sophisticated and never banal contextualization of surreal images, flashbacks, finds, parchments and anything else that could easily be traced back to the already cited Templar literature, the saga of Indiana Jones, Captain America and his sworn enemy Red Skull? It's not just like that, indeed it's not like that at all because John Oldman with “Journey through time between the spire of the Romitone. Captain Leale Martelli "goes well beyond these boundaries, surpasses them, improves them and above all sets them in a place (the Italian Livorno) which for many may appear far from the esotericism of the topics covered, but which, in reality, you will discover be one of the most important birthplaces in the history of the Templar order.

Game of Senet
against the Romitone

Captain Leale Martelli

The game that Captain Leale Martelli plays against his demon rival, Romitone, has been taking place for a long time on a Senet chessboard. It is a mysterious game whose true nature has not yet been revealed. The pawns now move through the territories that extend between the Valle Benedetta and the nearby city of Livorno. New  Templar Knights come into play alongside the Captain who cunningly challenges the dark adversary, lord and manipulator of the dimensions of space and time. The goal is to be able to appease the demon's power, with ingenuity, to return it to its ancient home in the sands of Sais in a gigantic and hidden inverted pyramid that lies buried underground in the desert. The SS captain who looks so much like an ancient  Templar Knight, Roberto Martello, is now gradually able to free himself from the magnetic dimensional coils of the powerful demon thanks to a current corporal who looks so much like both. So three characters, from different eras, who coincidentally share the same surname. In this second book of the Captain Leale Martelli saga the reader is challenged by John Oldman through a continuous alternation of detailed and punctilious historical chronicles, considerations on real events in progress and metaphysical reflections, rhythmically calling attention to what may be hidden between the lines of the novel.