Who isJohn Oldman

John Oldman, writer, esotericist, templar knight, was born in 1962 on board a ship, in international waters, en route to La Rochelle, Bay of Biscay, France. 
He is interested in Astronomy, his secret and great passion since he was a child, observing, as he claims, in the absence of gravity and atmosphere, a completely clear and impressive space. He defines himself as a modern Templar considering the fact that for him the Knights Templar were among the most mysterious and, historically closest to us, repositories of shocking secret knowledge, or absolutely not understood, coming from ancient lost civilizations. 

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My Publications


Viaggio nel tempo tra le spire del Romitone

Edited by Di Carlo Edizioni
Senet Romitone

Game of Senet against the Romitone

Edited by Edizioni WE

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